Gothic Swords

Sharpening a sword blade before or after assembling the sword.
During sharpening, the blade loses its original thickness, making it more flexible and lighter, but also more fragile, of course.

The use of sharp swords is a training exercise that requires practice and knowledge, which must be exercised with extreme caution!

Damage and deflection of the swords are primarily due to cutting errors, so these damages are not warranty problems!

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This type of sword can be viewed in the Landesmuseum of Zurich.

Matt polished!

"Cedric" - Longsword - 80 cm blade
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Sword from the XV. Century with shiny polished blade!

"Ambrose" - arming sword
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Gothic sword Type from the XIII. Century

"Conrad" - arming sword
"Conrad" - arming sword
"Conrad" - arming sword
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This type of sword can be found in Berlin.

The original pommel was made of bronze.

It has a relatively long cross-guard.

"Conrad" - Longsword
"Conrad" - Longsword
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Cross-guard and pommel are decorated with leaf motifs.

Blazons can be seen on the pommel.

This sword was made for test-cutting, of 51CrV4 steel, tempered to 52 HRC hardness. 

"Dreux" - Longsword -  sharp
"Dreux" - Longsword -  sharp
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Gothic sword with narrow blade, ready for re-enactment use. 

The sword has a reversed pear pommel. 

"Hugh" - arming sword
"Hugh" - arming sword
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Oakeshott Type: XIII.b

Matt polished!

"Ivanhoe" - Longsword - 80 cm blade
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Gothic war sword from the XIII-XV. Century, after Oakeshott XIIa.

With shiny polished, tempered carbon-steel blade (51CrV4)!

  One-and-a-half Handed Sword from the XIII-XIV. C. (Oakeshott XIIa)
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Sword type widespread in Whole Europe.

Latin text ist carved in the cross-guard.

Hilt is covered with leather.

One-and-a-half Handed Sword from the XV. Century
One-and-a-half Handed Sword from the XV. Century
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