A norman sword for reenactment use, made after a finding from the XIII. Century.

We usually call Viking and Norman swords (which developed from Migration or Merivigian era swords), which were used in Europe during the 8-13th centuries (we usally mark the Viking age from 793 to 1066 and the Norman age from 1066 to 1204). The Norman swords were the first classic knightly arming swords round the 11th century for example the ones which we can see on Bayeux Tapestry in the hands of the William's cavalry.
Check out this video:
The differences between reconstruction and training Viking swords:
Norman swords! Reenactor and trainer version:
A norman sword for reenactment use, made after a finding from the XIII. Century.
The design of the pommel is very specific. This type of sword can be found in several European museums indicating how popular it was throughout Europe. ex.Nationalmuseet, Copenhagen.
In Hungary it can be discovered within the Szob-Vendelin Collection.
It was in use throughout Europe. Similar types were found in Hungary, exhibited in the Hungarian National Museum, but it can be viewed in the Musée de l'Armée as well.
It is called sword with "brazil nut pommel" due to its special pommel shape.
It was popular throughout Europe.
This type of sword can be found in the collection of Hungarian National Museum.
It can be found in numerous museums, ex. Musee de l'Armee
Onehand sword with modified brasil nut pommel, made for reenactment.
The original sword was made in Germany, in the late XII. Century.
Classic shape of straight cross-guard and disk-shaped pommel that was dated from the XI. century, but still stylish in the XVI. Century.
These types of classic swords can be found in the collections of most museums, pointing out their high functionality and popularity.
Matt polished!
It can be characterized by short cross and relatively smaller pommel. Fitment is decorated with plant motifs.
This type of sword can be viewed in the National Museum of Ireland.
Featured with decorated pommel and the cross with engraved inscript.
Simple sword for reenactment, with straight blade and without crossguard.
Material: 51CrV4 springsteel, hardened to 52 HRC
Onehand sword with brasil nut pommel, made for reenactment.
The original sword was made in Germany, around 1280.